Sunday 9 November 2014

Unit 78- Exercises

Extended Diploma in Games Design

Unit 78 Digital Graphics for Computer Games

Jamie Parker
                                                                Unit 78- exercises
1. My artwork/concept art

2. Legal & Ethical Considerations
  • What is copyright law? Copyright gives the creators, of any different type of media, rights to control how they're used and distributed. Video, books, music and software can all be covered by the copyright law. However there are limitations that are imposed by copyright such as: if you buy a software, for example copyright laws forbid you from:
  • Giving an identical copy to a friend
  • making a copy and then selling to another people
  • using the software on a network (unless the license allows you to do it)
  • renting the software without the permission of the copyright holder
The law that governs copyright here in the UK is called the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
  • What is Libel? Libel is defined as defamation by written or printed pictures, words, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures. The law of libel originated in the 17th century in England. The growth of publication came the growth of libel and development of the tort of libel (helps out with a wrongful act or an infringement of any right which leads to legal liability). The Libel law/defamation protects a person's reputation and name against communications that are derogatory and false. Defamation consists of two torts which are libel and slander. The main difference between these two is the from of which defamation may occur.
  • How are female characters represented in games? Female characters are not seen enough as they should when it comes down to video games because most of the games in the modern day are mainly men protagonists who work along side females but are not actually playable. I don't think it is discrimination towards the females but I do think it has something to do with stereotypes of their gender. Females are often viewed by men as weak, emotional and always nag at you for nothing however this is not the case with most women in the world. However in the video games Zelda and Tomb raider they are seen as heroes who slay beast and kill fully grown men which not only shows them as being strong but also that they are just as good or better than men. Also in the situations they get into they seem to stay calm and figure out a plan which shows that they are not as emotional as men once thought.

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